Transparant Company

reintroducing creativity and fun

Do you want to increase the effectiveness of your training or workshop?

We know how to turn your training or workshop into a creative, fun and invigorating environment where learning is maximised.

for whom?

Consulting firms that offer services on one of three topics:

  • Purpose – Value and culture alignment
  • People – Organisation, teams
  • Proces – Proces optimisation

Do you value people and want to make them feel valued?

Then we have a match, let’s work together!

what do we offer?

If you have an existing training or workshop, we can help you with the following:

  • Facilitate your workshop with you
  • Improve the design by selecting tools and (interactive) activities that fit the audience and goals
  • Design a game which quickly makes a lasting memory

If you want to have a new training or workshop, we can help you with the full design process, from ideation to execution.


We’re passionate about reintroducing fun and creativity to businesses and organisations.

Many people have lost the child in them, which blocks their ability to truly thrive.

Given the right environment, the possibilities in the mind of a child become endless, and their ability to solve problems also.

Give that same environment to an adult, and the child in them will show up.


Joshua Huibers
+31 6 1256 4953

All are services and products are subject to our general terms and conditions: NLdigital-Terms-EN

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